Serving everyone’s favorite flavors since 2009!
3270 S Dixie Hwy, Lima, Ohio
(419) 979-0221

Job Application

Are you legally able to work in the United States?
Are you legally able to work in the United States? Yes No

If You Are of School Age, Answer the Following:
Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?
Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school? Yes No
PERSONAL REFERENCES: (Other than previous employers and relatives)
Employment History: BEGIN with CURRENT or LAST JOB



Skills and Acknowledgement
Checking boxes below confirms your agreement with "I" statements concerning this application and your possible employment.
Checking boxes below confirms your agreement with "I" statements concerning this application and your possible employment. I acknowledge that facts set forth in this application are true and complete.
I understand if employed, any false statement or omission shall be sufficient cause for dismissal.
If employed, I may be scheduled to work any time or day of the week, including holidays.
I authorize Pete‘s Ice Cream to verify ALL information on this application.
I understand and agree this application does not create a contract or employment.
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